Mashuda family's point of argument

TISC Unification Theory


U-recognition function

The defect of a phase transition theory

The sudden change in the Shogi world


Japanese is here

German is here

There is a phase transition in the inflation of the beginning of the universe which began expansion. It generates 4 times within 1 second, and a phase transition is called the 1st to 4th phase transitions, respectively, vacuum energy density continues till present, without changing, and it is supposed after the 4th phase transition that substance energy density was endured.

In our theory, the 1st to 4th phase transitions must be called as follows.

The 1st phase transition=
Phase Transition

The 2nd phase transition =Phase Inversion

The 3rd phase transition = Phase Stagnation

The 4th phase transition =Phase Conversion

It is the absolute characteristic of the man who recognizes it, i.e., the so-called "intellectual life object" having a "self-recognition function" and a "self-preservation function", which becomes the above basis. We summarize the above and call it TISC Unification Theory.

The reason we pay our attention to SHOGI now is because it supplements with the Emotional defect of TISC Unification Theory. Is similarity with TISC theory accepted in the explosive power of a thinking circuit which makes the SHOGI world turn one's coat within in 1 second? This though amusingness is felt for this sudden change being materialized as representation to the last, we will name this false Phase Conversion temporarily.

Our respect is expressed to the extraordinary passion of M.