Port 40000 - Last Update:2005/12/31

port 1 - 99
port 100 - 199
port 200 - 299
port 300 - 399
port 400 - 499
port 500 - 599
port 600 - 699
port 700 - 1023
port 1024 - 1199 up
port 1200 - 1299
port 1300 - 1399
port 1400 - 1499
port 1500 - 1599
port 1600 - 1699
port 1700 - 1799
port 1800 - 1899 up
port 1900 - 1999
port 2000 - 2099
port 2100 - 2299
port 2300 - 2399
port 2400 - 2499
port 2500 - 2599
port 2600 - 2699
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port 2900 - 2999
port 3000 - 3099
port 3100 - 3199
port 3200 - 3299
port 3300 - 3399
port 3400 - 3499
port 3500 - 3599
port 3600 - 3699
port 3700 - 3999 up
port 4000 - 4999 up
port 5000 - 5399
port 5400 - 5999 up
port 6000 - 6999 up
port 7000 - 7999 up
port 8000 - 8999
port 9000 - 9999 up
port 10000 - 12999 up
port 13000 - 19999 up
port 20000 - 29999 up
port 30000 - 39999
port 40000 -



Port List(CSV)



Port No.ProtocolServiceDescription
40193 tcp/udp #Novell servers can be crashed by sending
random data to this port.
40403-40404 tcp # W32.Randex
40412 tcp # The Spy
40421 tcp # Agent 40421, Masters Paradise
40422-40426 tcp # Masters Paradise
41111tcp/udpfs-qosFoursticks QoS Protocol
41337 tcp # Storm
41666 tcp # Remote Boot Tool - RBT
41524 tcp/udp #arcserve
Runs a discovery protocol on this port.
41794tcp/udpcrestron-cipCrestron Control Port
41795tcp/udpcrestron-ctpCrestron Terminal Port
41934 tcp # Ranky
42321 tcp # Ranky
42508tcp/udpcandpComputer Associates network discovery protocol
42509tcp/udpcandrpCA discovery response
42510tcp/udpcaerpcCA eTrust RPC
43287 tcp/udp # W32.Mytob
43441tcp/udpciscocsdbCisco NetMgmt DB Ports
43958 tcp/udp # IRC.Aladinz
44280 tcp/udp # Amitis
44321tcp/udppmcdPCP server (pmcd)
44322tcp/udppmcdproxyPCP server (pmcd) proxy
44390 tcp/udp # Amitis
44444 tcp # Prosiak, W32.Kibuv
44445-44446 tcp # W32.Kibuv
44553tcp/udprbr-debugREALbasic Remote Debug
44575 tcp # Exploiter
44818tcp/udprockwell-encapRockwell Encapsulation
45000 tcp/udp # Cisco SAFE IDS / NetRanger
NetRanger (and IDS probe) regularly
communicates to the "Director"
(management console) via port 45000.
Among other things, this acts as a
hearbeat so that the console knows
the agent is alive.
45054tcp/udpinvision-agInVision AG
45672 tcp/udp # Delf
45678tcp/udpebaEBA PRISE
45836 tcp/udp # W32.HLLW.Graps
46999tcp/udpmediaboxMediaBox Server
47000tcp/udpmbusMessage Bus
47017 tcp/udp # Part of rootkit "t0rn", a program
called "in.amqd" might run on this.
47262 udp # Delta Source
47387 tcp/udp # Amitis
47557tcp/udpdbbrowseDatabeam Corporation
47624tcp/udpdirectplaysrvrDirect Play Server
47806tcp/udpapALC Protocol
47808tcp/udpbacnetBuilding Automation and Control Networks
48000tcp/udpnimcontrollerNimbus Controller
48001tcp/udpnimspoolerNimbus Spooler
48002tcp/udpnimhubNimbus Hub
48003tcp/udpnimgtwNimbus Gateway
48094 tcp # Nibu
49151tcp/udp#IANA Reserved
49301 tcp # OnLine KeyLogger
49495 tcp # Danrit
50021 tcp/udp # OptixPro
50130 tcp # Enterprise
50505 tcp/udp # Sockets de Troie
(A French Trojan Horse and virus)
50766 tcp # Fore, Schwindler
51966 tcp # Cafeini
51234 tcp # Cyn
51435 tcp # W32.Kalel
52031 tcp/udp # Graybird
52317 tcp # Acid Battery 2000
52559 tcp # AntiLam
52901 udp # Possibly the Omega DDoS tool.
53001 tcp # Remote Windows Shutdown - RWS
53201 tcp # Backdoor.Ranck
54112 tcp # Ranky
54283 tcp # SubSeven, SubSeven 2.1 Gold
54312 tcp/udp # Niovadoor
54320 tcp # Back Orifice 2000
54321 tcp # Back Orifice 2000, School Bus
54321 udp # A service that replies with the load
average of a machine.
55000 tcp # Roxe
55808 udp # Randex
55165 tcp # File Manager trojan, File Manager trojan,
WM Trojan Generator
55166 tcp # WM Trojan Generator
55168 tcp # Haxdoor
55665-55666 tcp/udp # Latinus
57005 tcp # IRC.Cirebot
57123 tcp # Mprox
57341 tcp # NetRaider
58339 tcp # Butt Funnel
58343 tcp # Prorat
58641 tcp # W32.Kalel
58666 tcp/udp # Redkod
60000 tcp # Deep Throat, Foreplay, Sockets des Troie
60001 tcp # Trinity
60068 tcp # Xzip 6000068
60101 tcp # Stealer
60411 tcp # Connection
61000 tcp/udp # Mite
61001-61003 tcp # Chimo
61137 tcp # W32.Mytob
61282 tcp # W32.Squirm@mm, W32.Pandem.B.Worm
61348 tcp # Bunker-Hill
61466 tcp # TeleCommando
61603 tcp # Bunker-Hill
62514 udp # Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service to Cisco Systems IPSec Driver
62515 udp # Cisco Systems IPSec Driver to Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service
62516 udp # Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service to XAUTH
62517 udp # XAUTH to Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service
62518 udp # Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service to CLI
62519 udp # CLI to Cisco Systems, Inc VPN Service
62520 udp # Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service to UI
62521 udp # UI to Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service
62522 udp # Cisco Systems, Inc. Log Messages
62523 udp # Connection Manager to Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service
62524 udp # PPPTool to Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service
63000-63001 tcp # W32.Gaobot
63485 tcp # Bunker-Hill
63809 tcp # Gaobot
64101 tcp # Taskman
64429 tcp # Amitis
64444 tcp # Sdbot
65000 tcp # Devil, Sockets des Troie, Stacheldraht, Roxrat
65010 tcp # Roxrat
65111 tcp # Microkos
65301 udp # PCanywhere
65390 tcp # Eclypse
65421 tcp # Jade
65432 tcp/udp # The Traitor (= th3tr41t0r)
65475 tcp/udp # W32.Gaobot
65528-65529 tcp # W32.Spybot
65534 tcp # /sbin/initd
65535 tcp # RC1 trojan