Mochizuki Takinojo

ADDRESS: Tokyo , Japan


1976-1977 Zenshinza Theatrical Company attached Actor's Traning School;
1976-1978 Shamisen Study under Maestro Sanotada Kineya;
1977-1985 Nagauta Percussion Study under Maestro Takio Mochizuki;Given the honorable name Takinojo Mochizuki in 1984.
1979-1981 Tokyo University of Arts:Japanese Music DIvision(Major-- Nagauta Percussion);Graduated
1985-present-- Member of Nagauta Association:Mainly engaged in Traditional Japanese music.
1985-present-- Member of Nihon Ongaku Shudan(Pro Musica Nipponia):Involves performances in contemporary Japanese music,a wide range of Japanese popular music ,Jazz,Rock,etc.

Performances Outside of Japan
1989-- Performed in France as a member of Nihon Ongaku Shudan(pro Musica Nipponia).
1990-- Performed in Taiwan as a member of Nihon Ongaku Shudan(pro Musica Nipponia).
1990-- Performed in the U.S.A. and Canada in the"Hidetaro Honjo U.S. and Canada Presentation" sponserd by the Japan Faundation.
1991-- Principal percussionist in performances in Mexico and Ecuador.
1991-- Participated in "Hidetaro Honjo's" tour throughout Japan and in Beijing and Spain.
1992-- Visited South Korea as an assistant to Mr.Hiromitsu Nishikawa for MESENA.
1993-- Performed in Africa(Tanzania,Kenya,Zimbabwe,South Africa) as Group of the Yamada school of Koto(Japnese harp) sponsored by the Japan Foundation.
1994-- Performed in Tanzania,Ghana and South Africa as a"Tokyo University of Arts Yamada school of Koto African tour"
1994-- Solo Taiko performance in Sydney,Australia at the opning ceremony of a Japanese business event.
1995-- Participated in "Hidetaro Honjo's Egypt Tour" sponsored by the Japan Foundation.
1996-- Solo Taiko performance in Sydney,Australia.Invited by the East-West Foundation.
1997-- Participated for Kabuki Actor Shijaku Nakamura's dancing presentation in Sydney,Australia.Invited by the East-West Foundation.
Organized a Japanese Percussion Workshop in Sydney,Australia with the support of the Japan Foundation.
1998-- Performed in U.S. in "Los Angels Bando-ryu Japanese dancing performance".
1999-- Performed in U.S. as a member of Nihon Ongaku Shudan(pro Musica Nipponia).
2000-- Performed in Canada as a member of "Nishikawa Ansamble".
2000-- Performed in Murburg, Garmany for the opening concert under the auspices of "Japan year in Germany".
2000-- Performed in Seoul, Korea in "Seoul Free Jazz festival".
2000-- Performed in Nashville, U.S. in " ODORI 2000 Japanese dancing performance".
2001-- Performed in France and the Czech Republic as a member of Nihon Ongaku Shudan(Pro Musica Nipponia).
2001-- Performed in the Republic of Paraguay, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Argentine Republic and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay as a member of "Water Network".
2001-- Performed in Seoul¥Korea as a member of Nihon Ongaku Shudan(Pro Musica Nipponia).
2002-- Visited the University of Philippines to teach Japanese Kabuki music.
2003-- Visited again the University of Philippines to teach Japanese Kabuki music.
2003-- Performed in Canada as a member of "Occident-- Orient".
2007-- Performed in New York, U.S.A in "A Page Out of Order: M" Yoshiko Chuma & her company "School of Hard knocks".
2010-- Performed in Japan Pavilion, World Expo Shanghai 2010, China in "The Japanese Traditional Performing Arts of 'Today' Presented to the World" presented by GEIDANKYO(Japan Council or Performars' Organizations)

Other Professional Activities

Have taught percussion to students of all levels of expertise.

Currently a member of "Hyoryu Gakudan" with Junko Sumi(Vo),Toshiya Mizukawa(Shakuhachi),Masaki Yoshimi(Tabra), and Toshiya Murayama(Pf).

Have made numerous studio recordings as Japanese music percussionist in various genres of music.

Participated in a number of rock bands including,"Ichiban-Ya","Shichifukujin", and "Tum Tum Tandrica".

Have co-played with many Jazz musicians such as:
John Zone(Sax;U.S.A.)
Peter Covalt(Bass;Germany)
Kan Tae Fang(Sax;Korea)
Kim Dae Fang(Per;Korea)
Burl Phillips(Bass;U.S.A.)
Hideto Kanai(Bass;Japan)
Michihiro Sato(Tsugaru Shamisen;Japan)
Yukihiro Isso(Noh Flute;Japan)
Park Je Chung(Per;Korea)
Christopher Garcia(Per;U.S.A.)
Gustavo Aguilar(Per;Mexico)

Have made numerous television appearances as percussion accompanist.