Last updated June 22 1999.
This is a personal collection of links to Internet resources that I found most useful for my own work and researches. Most of these urls have been reported and discussed in our electronic discussion group "Paso-kon Toohoo-kenkyuu" (Personal Computer and Asian Humanity Studies) in the Japanes commercial BBS NiftyServe (GO command: FJAMEA MES 11), by some of the members of the group or by myself. In this sense, this page is the result of collaborative work of our group. I am most grateful for all goodwill of our members.
Thank you, All!
This page is under construction. There is no special order inside each heading, and the descriptions may not be always accurate. The links are valid (I hope!) as of june 1999, but they may be broken in some cases.
Anyway, I hope that I shall be able to organize and update these links, and add more useful links in the future. I would welcome any feedback or supplementary information. Thank you in advance!
Note on this update:
I neglected to update this page for a whole year. During this time, many links were broken; and more importantly, it seems that this kind of Internet resources themselves became somehow trite. I think that it makes no longer much sense to add indefinitely new links of all kind. I shall continue to maintain links that are already mentioned here as long as they are not broken or can be traced; and I shall add more links, but I think that in general, I should be more selective in choosing urls. I hope that this page will conitnue to be useful for those who are interested in our fields.
Important new links (June 20, 1999)
- Konjaku Mojikyo Home Page
"Konjaku-mojikyo", i.e. the "Mirror of Chinese characters of old and new days", is a new, really revolutionary system of Kanji (Chinese characters) handling in the personal computing which has been developped and released in Japan. Mojikyo consists essentially of many TrueType fonts for the Japanese version of Windows (95/98 or NT) -- containing up to 80000 characters (all the Chinese characters in the Dictionary of Morohashi are there; there are also many Vietnamese characters, Korean characters, "Oracle Bone" characters (kookotsu-bun) and Siddham characters), and of a very fine finding system, which allows to retrieve easily characters of which you don't know the pronounciation, etc. The fonts can be downloaded free of charge; and a simplified finding system is also available free of charge at the Mojikyo web site (the complete finding system is a commercial software). This is also an open system, meaning that it is possible to add any number of new characters in the system. The users (who will become members of the association "Mojikyo Institute") can report new characters; new TrueType fonts for these characters will be provided (free of charge) by the Mojikyo Institute.
The fonts have been converted to the use on the Macintosh system also, and are available online at the Mojikyo web site, Mac site. CBETA and SAT (the Taiwanese and Japanese projects of inputting Taisho Canon in e-texts; see below) use Mojikyo numbers to represent the gaiji's.
- Supplementary explanation on Konjaku Mojikyo
Here are also some detailed description and explanation on Konjaku Mojikyo.- On the missing characters (gaiji) of the Taisho Tripitaka Text Database Published by SAT or, its Japanese version (June 20, 1999)
The problem of gaiji's in SAT database.- Japan Association For East Asian Text Processing (JAET) Homepage
JAET has published two books in Japanese: Dennoo chuugoku-gaku ("Sinology with computer"), Tokyo, Koobun-shuppan, 1998 (ISBN4-87220-023-3) with a CD-ROM, and Konpyuuta de chuugoku-go Win & Mac ("Chinese with Computer. Windows and Macintosh"), a separate volume of the Journal Gekkan Sinika, issue of May 1999, Tokyo, Taishuu-kan shoten (ISSN 0915-7247) with a CD-ROM. On the other hand, some members of this Association are authors of the book Pasokon yuuyuu kanji-jutsu -- Konjaku Mojikyo tettei katsuyoo ("Handling kanji's at ease on the personal computer. How to use Konjaku Mojikyo"), edited by Mojikyo Institute, Tokyo, Kinokuniya-shoten, 1999 (ISBN4-314-10136-9) with a CD-ROM. These three publications, with their CD-ROM, may be considered as major contribution to the East Asian studies with computer. Most recommended to every student, researcher and scholar who need to use Chinese characters.
- Search Engines/Miscellanea
- Asian Studies in general
- Buddhism
- Indology
- Sinology
- Japanology
- Books, Libraries, Bookstores
- Software/Computer
- Others
- Search Engines/Miscellanea
- Discussion Groups on the Internet
Mailing lists on the Internet.- Search Engine collection by Iimori-san
One of the most useful collections of search engines (especially for the Mac software). (Iimori-san is the author of the well known Mac multilingual editor Edit7.)- ODIN search engine (June 20, 1999)
One of the best search engines in Japan -- not so well known...Return to the Table of Contents
- Asian Studies in general
- Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library
Well known and most complete Internet resource on the Asian studies in general at the Australian National University.- Department of Oriental Languages and Civilizations of Lausanne
and especially Internet Resources in Indology and Buddhist Studies
A very rich collection of links all over the Internet related to Indology and Buddhist Studies.- Welcome to The Toyo Bunko Home Page
With access to some important bibliographical database, of the studies on Central Asia, on Islam, and a Tibetan Buddhist collection. (In Japanese). -- Toyo-bunko released a CD-ROM containing some important databases and software. (Site in Japanese and English)- Links for the Study of Asia in general. Manitoba University
A large collection of links on the Asian studies in general.- OrientNet
and English version page by Shimizu Mitsuyuki-san. Most comprehensive Internet resource collection related to Asian studies in general, and especially Buddhist studies. Many valuable Chinese or Japanese sites are listed. Here are the main headings:
- Multilingual Methods and Character codes
- Online Dictionary and Search
- Indology
- Buddhism
- Sinology
- Japanology
- OrientNet-Tool Software: Links to many important tools
Return to the Table of Contents
- Buddhism
- International Association of Buddhist Studies (June 20, 1999)
"The International Association of Buddhist Studies is a professional organization devoted to the academic study of Buddhism in all its manifestations and from any disciplinary perspective. The IABS publishes a journal, the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, twice yearly and meets in conference every three to four years.".
- Buddhist Studies WWW VL
One of the most complete web resource guide about Buddhist studies.- SAT Homepage
Machine-readable text-database of the Taisho Tripitaka (the TAISHO SHINSHU DAIZOKYO). The online database of the Chinese Buddhist Canon Taisho Daizo-kyo, by the Association for Computerization of Buddhist Texts (ACBUT), a sub organization of the Japanese Society of Indology and Buddhology. The e-texts are in SJIS and Big5 encodings, in both MS-DOS/Windows format and Macintosh format. All the "gaiji" (characters which are not in SJIS encoding) are encoded in special SGML entities, and can be retrieved in SAT pages. The ACBUT is aiming to publish on-line all the 85 volumes of Taisho Tripitaka in electronic text in about ten years. "SAT" is for the sanskrit "SAmganikikrtam Taisotripitakam".- Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association
Very important! This is the homepage of a new on-going project of electronization of Chinese Buddhist Canon (the first 55 volumes of the Taishoo Canon). All the texts of Taisho volume 5 to volume 10 are already online.(In Big5)- INBUDS Home Page
The database, named "Indian and Buddhist Studies Treatise Database" or "INBUDS", is an ongoing project of the Database Center of the Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies, containing data of some 17000 and more studies published in more than 150 Japanese scholarly journals (mainly from 1950s onward, but some of them from 1920s or even earlier [?] onward). Each record includes full bibliographical data, plus very comprehensive keywords, which will facilitate the researches. All the data files can be downloaded and used by every user. There is also an experimental online search facility (very fast and useful!). The site and the data are in Japanese (Shift-JIS encoding). The "gaiji" are represented by special SGML entities corresponding to Morohashi Dictionary and Konjaku-mojikyoo kanji numbers. The diacritical marks are represented in TeX style. -- This is the official site of INBUDS; INBUDS Searcher is a private site maintained by Aiba-san of the Tohoku University.- Index of Buddhist E-Texts
Very important! A Catalog of the Taisho Buddhist Canon, indicating for each text if there is any e-text version. (In Japanese)- Tendai Research Foundation
Tendai texts. Tendai CD (a great collection of important text of Tendai), Zoku-Tendai-shuu zensho, etc. (In Japanese)- Catalogue of the Zookyoo-shoin Library
Bibliographical catalogues of collections of Buddhist books stored in the Zookyoo-shoin Library (Kyoto), including those which are published in the Zoku-zoo-kyoo Canon and the Nihon-daizoo-kyoo canon. (In Japanese)- Center for Buddhist Studies. National University of Taiwn (Ohio Mirror)
A huge site, with a number of Chinese Buddhist texts in Big5. Very fast (at least from Japan...). (Big5)- Center for Buddhist Studies. National University of Taiwn (Heidelberg Mirror)
The same site mirrored in Europe. (Big5)- Electronic Buddhadharma Society (EBS)
A Taiwanese site (?), where you can find informations about a CD-ROM collection of 60 titles of Buddhist e-texts related to the famous "Diamond Suutra".- Buddhist e-texts in GBK (June 20, 1999)
Almost one hundred Chinese Buddhist e-texts, many of them unavailable anywhere else, in Simplified Chinese encoding. You will find there for example the Cheng wei she luen (T. XXXI 1585), Gao seng zhuang (T. L 2059)or Xiu Gao seng zhuang (T. L 2060), etc.
- Home Page of the Study groupe of the thought of Yogaacaara (June 20, 1999)
Two important Chinese texts of the Yogaacaara school: Yogaacaarya-bhuumi-'saastra in 100 quan (T. XXX 1579) and Abhidharma-mahaa-vibhaa.saa-'saastra in 200 quan (T. XXVII 1545). (in S-JIS)
- Wen-Ming Chang's Studio
Another Taiwanese site, containing a "Public Domain Library, contributed specially to the Buddhism." Many Buddhist e-texts in Big5.- IRIZ Home Page
Well known home page of the International Research Center for Zen Buddhism, Kyoto (Hanazono University). Many Buddhist e-texts (especially for Zen) in Big5 and SJIS code.- The Asian Classics Input Project ( ACIP ) Home Page
Tibetan Buddhist text input project. "The Asian Classics Input Project presents a database containing texts from the Kangyur and Tengyur (classical collections of Sanskrit literature in Tibetan translation), and the Sungbum (Tibetan language commentaries on these) transliterated into roman (ASCII) characters." -- Three CD-ROM's are released as of June 1999.- Buddhism Resource File - HTML Version
Buddhist Resource File The most complete resource list of Buddhism in the Internet. The Buddhist Resource File is in the process of being moved to The Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University. The new url is:
Please send updates and comments to Aming Tu mailto:
- Buddhist Text Initiative Home Page
"The Electronic Buddhist Text Initiative is devoted to coordinating projects involving computer-readable Buddhist texts in all languages and traditions."- Multi-lingual GAIS Search Engine on the Chinese Buddhist Sutra Database
This site has an "experimental mWEBgais full_text/filename/dictionary retrieval system, which is built upon the GAIS search engine. You can input search keywords in English, Chinese, or Japanese. [...]
Valid keywords must be composed of alphanumeric or one of the Big5 / GB / ShiftJis / EucJis / Jis characters, i.e. [A-Za-z0-9 | Big5 | GB| ShiftJis | EucJis | Jis]. For English, the keywords are case in-sensitive. Rather than full text search on the database content, you can also double quote the keywords for filename or dictionary lookup.
Currently, the sample buddhist sutra database is partially mirrored from CCBS, TYBA, AMTB, IRIZ, and Muller. Most of the database is in Big5 Chinese. So if you type keywords in other than Big5, please append the directive of "/gb" for GB, and "/jp" for Japanese in the end of the query."
You will find also Index of where you can get the full texts of the database (the texts are roughly the same as those of the Center for Buddhist Studies of Taiwan).- The Gateless Passage Homepage
This document keeps track of leading information facilities in the field of Buddhist electronic text input and translation projects, as well as related resources on the Internet With a number of English translations and original texts of Chinese Canon, by Charles Patton. -- And also Buddhist Studies - Texts Input/Translation Projects (June 20, 1999): "This document keeps track of leading information facilities in the field of Buddhist electronic text input and translation projects, as well as related resources on the Internet..."- Buddhology Home Page of Koeln University
Very rich link collection on Buddhism, and especially the web sites in Germany, the Tibetan Buddhism. Every link is commented.- UK Association for Buddhist Studies
"The UK Association for Buddhist Studies aims to act as a focus for Buddhist Studies in the UK, and is open to academics, post-graduates, and unaffiliated Buddhist scholars or interested Buddhist practitioners". -- You can find there a site of Information on Pali Literature and Publications of The PALI TEXT SOCIETY, 1996-97.- Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies (June 20, 1999)
Home page of the very active center of Buddhist studies at the Stanford University.
- Access to Insight: Readings in Theravada Buddhism (June 20, 1999)
Valuable resources on the Theravaada Buddhism.- White Path Temple
Joodo-shinshuu site, with some Buddhist e-texts (Big5 and SJIS), and many interesting introductory texts on Buddhism. Site maintained by Claude Huss.- Pali Tripitaka, Mahidol University (Buddhist Scripture Information Retrieval)
Information on The Digital Pali Tipitaka and Atthakatha on CD-ROM from Mahidol University, Thailand.- The Vipassana Research Publications of America
And especially Chattha Sangayana Tipitaka CD from Vipassana Research Institute . --Another Pali Tipitaka on CD-ROM.- Pali Text Society's Romanised Pali Tipitaka on CD-ROM
From the Buddhist Council of New South Wales (Australia).- Charles Muller's Resource for the Study of East Asialn Language and Thought
This is one of the best and most informed web resources on the Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. You will find there also an excellent Web Dictionary of East Asian Buddhist Terms.- Journal of Buddhist Ethics Home Page
"The Journal of Buddhist Ethics has been established to promote the study of Buddhist ethics through the publication of research articles, discussions and critical notes, bulletins, and reviews."- JBE Scholarly Resources
Where you will find the most interesting East Asian Buddhist Studies: A Reference Guide (there is also a CJK version of this document with the original characters; it can be found here also).- Pali Canon online
The same Journal of Buddhist Ethics site houses the first Pali Tipitaka online, from the Sri Lanka Tipitaka Project.- INBUDS Searcher (in Japanese)
INBUDS: Indian and Buddhist Studies Treatise Database. "This system searches a database named `INBUDS(Indian and Buddhist Studies Treatise Database: (C)Copyright 1996 by Nihon-Indogaku-Bukkyou-Gakkai (Japanese Association of Indology and Buddhist Study), Tokyo)', which includes bibliographical informations about over 16,000 articles on Indology/Buddhist/Sanskrit/Prakrit.. in Japan. (In Japanese)- Christian Wittern's Web Space (
It seems that this valuable site is unavailable right now (as of June 1999). We can find however the Big5 version of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts:
A huge catalogue of the Chinese Buddhist texts, of the Taisho Canon, the Tripitaka Koreana, the Dainihon Zokuzookyoo and the Nanjio Catalogue.
and also...- KanjiBase on the Web
Which is one of the most useful resources for our studies, allowing to find "information about the almost 50,000 Chinese characters contained in KanjiBase...", and which used to be at is now unavailable... Sigh!- World of Shiga Bon'ichi
You will find there some important Buddhist e-texts, especially the Kyooritsu-isoo (Jinglu yixiang), Taisho 2121, a database of Japanese Kanji, and data on the Koji-ki. (In Japanese) (url updated June 20 1988)- Suzuki Takayasu's Homepage
With interesting links, a BBS. Suzuki-san owns also a Japanese mailing list dealing with academic discussion related to Buddhism and Indology studies. (In Japanese)- Site Tsong kha pa Japan
A site on the Tibetan Buddhism master Tsong kha pa. Maintained by Nomura Shoojiroo-san. (In Japanese)- Kanden's Data Room
24 e-texts or gif documents related to the Tendai Buddhism. (In Japanese)- Huayan Buddhism Information Page (June 20, 1999)
A web site maintained by Ootake-san of the Tsukuba University, specialized in the studies of Huayan Buddhism. Very specialized, personal, and interesting.- Catalog of Japanese books of Buddhist studies (June 20, 1999)
Collectif catalog of books published by nine specialized publishers of Buddhist studies or historical studies (in Japanese).
- Kichu-do Home Page
One of the biggest bookstores specialized in Buddhist books in Japan (Kyoto)- Dharma The Cat's cartoon site & forum (url updated)
Buddhist cartoon strip ; -). A humoristic site from Australia, designed to be useful for Buddhist educators.Return to the Table of Contents
- Indology
- Indology Home Page
The most complete web resource on Indology.- IITS Institute of Indology and Tamil Studies (Koeln University)
With "Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon", "Cappellers Sanskrit-English Dictionary", "Tamil Text Thesaurus (TTT)", "Online Tamil Lexicon (OTL)", "EMDEN Tamil-German Dictionary", "IITS Library Catalogues", "Tamilnadu Geographical Names Server" and more links.- Electronic resources for humanities scholarship
"This website was developed out of a need to organize a large amount of data for a dissertation on the early Vedic traditions and texts of Ancient India (c. 1500 b.c.e.). I am working on the terminology associated with the idea of "the self" in the Vedic literature. (Rig Veda, etc.)." And also a new site named:
- XML Resources for Academic use (June 20, 1999)
Very "high tech" site explaining and using xml for Academic use. "I am [...] working on some specialized applications of XML to the realm of what I am terming "e-Textnology," the rapidly developing technical field of electronic text design, creation, manipulation, and use. XML is ideally suited for this purpose as it supports multiple links, embedding of alternate MSS and so forth."- TITUS: Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (June 20, 1999)
Very important Indological site.- South Asia Resource Access on the Internet of Columbia University
A very important collection of resources on India and other countries of South Asia. A part of the Asian Studies WWW-VL of the Australian National University.- South Asia Fonts
From the same Columbia University, a list of every font for the use of South Asian studies. (gopher document)- Sanskrit and other Indian fonts
A ftp site for the Sanskrit and other Indian fonts and utilities.- Indian Philosophy Home Page of Hiroshima University
Unfortunately, the Indian e-texts are no longer available...- Sanskrit Home Page
With a simple online Sanskrit-English dictionary, etc...Return to the Table of Contents
- Sinology
- Sinological Internet Resource Collection
A large collection of sinological Internet resources (mainly Taiwan), by Nikaidoo-san. (In Japanese)- Mao's Homepage
Chinese computing (especially on the Macintosh). (In Japanese)- Chinese Language Related Information Page
Well informed site on the computing in Chinese.- Chinese Community Information Center
where you will find Chinese Computing and Software a huge software archive for the computing in Chinese on every platform. There is also...- The Chinese Community Information Center (CCIC) of IFCSS
Software archive for the computing in Chinese on every platform (ftp site)- Chinese Software Catalogue
Where you will find a huge selection of Chinese software (applications, system and fonts) listed - for PC, Mac and other platforms (Including some that use Unicode).- Baibu congshu jicheng(Hyakubu soosho shuusei)
Bibliographical catalogue of the great Chinese classic collection, stored in the Library of Nara Women's University.- Koeln University Sinology and Manchu Philology Home Page
A huge collection of links and scholarly informations- Chinese Philosophical Etext Archive
"You will find three kinds of materials here:
Electronic versions of Chinese philosophical texts created by the Confucian Etext Project;
Electronic versions of Chinese philosophical texts from other sources, to some of which we have made minor improvements;
and Information on and links to more information on the preparation and use of these texts."- Academia Sinica Chinese Text Retrieval System Page (Taiwan)
A huge database of Chinese classics. Very slow from Japan, but so important...!!- International Dunhuang Project
"The International Dunhuang Project (IDP) was established in 1993 following a meeting of conservators from all over the world to promote the study and preservation of manuscripts and printed documents from Dunhuang and other Central Asian sites through international co-operation." This site contains an ongoing project of a huge database of Dunhuang materials.- Classical Historiography For Chinese History by Benjamin A. Elman (June 20, 1999)
Most comprehensive list of Chinese historiographical materials hosted at the Social Science Computing Center of UCLA.- Yamada Takahito's Home Page
Database of bookstores of Chinese books in Japan. ATOK dictionary of Chinese terms of History. (In Japanese)- Cotoflais (Home Page of Saito Mareshi)
Very informative site on the Chinese computing in every platform. (In Japanese)- Kirihara N Ran ChuKa Kanren Centre
Everything on China. Especially on the Chinese computing... and a converting program between Chinese (Big5 and GB) and Japanses (SJIS) code for the Mac -- unique on the Macintosh platform. (In Japanese)- DOKISHA (Daoqishe) Home Page
Huge database of Chinese classics, with many Daoist and Buddhist documents (e.g. the Tendai CD1, Buddhist e-texts of the Center for Buddhist Studies of Taiwan). And with a very good search engine.- Golder Elixir Homepage:Early History of the CTQ (Intro)
"A Website on Chinese Alchemy: The Golden Elixir is an introduction to some facets of the history and doctrines of Chinese alchemy. It consists of a collection of articles, primary sources, bibliographic tools and other materials. This page provides direct access to all documents."
And more importantly...:
- Fabrizio Pregadio Home Page
"This page provides liks to materials that I wish to distribute not only on paper but also through the World Wide Web, and to networked resources related to my interests and my research: Taoism, Chinese alchemy and the practical applications of computing to the field of Chinese studies. If you are interested, read something about my background and current projects. "- Taoist home page at Hong-kong
and especially a HUGE database of articles on the taoism (In Big5)- Horagai
Very informative pages on the problems related to the Kanji on computer and character codes. (In Japanese)- Kanji-bukuro, a Database of Kanji variants
Kanji-bukuro is a kind of "Online Kanji variant (itai-ji)Dictionary" of the characters used in JIS, GB ("Simplified Chinese") and Big5 ("Traditional Chinese") codes. (In Japanese)- e-Kanji Project
A database of "gaiji" font -- those characters which are not in the standard character codes. There are fonts for
- Unicode (more than 2,0000 characters)
- the Kanxi Dictionary (more than 49,000 characters)
- the Morohashi Dictionary (more than 50,000 characters)
- e-Kanji playing corner
Where you can "play with" the fonts created by the "e-Kanji Project", to see how they work... (In Japanese)- Software by Moro Shigeki, among which you will find especially Morohashi Database (June 20, 1999)
A list of the characters in the Morohashi Daikanwa jiten, with corresponding codes in Unicode, JIS, radical number, stroke number, etc.- Chinese poetry of the Tang period
By Morise-san of the Kansai University. You will find there summary of his scholarly articles.Return to the Table of Contents
- Japanology
- Japan Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing
Japan Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (JALLCÅjis an Association for the promotion of the use of computer in the Japanese linguistics and literature research.- Full text archives ftp site of JALLC
Where you will find an important archive of Japanese classics and linguistics e-texts.- National Institute of Japanese Literature Home Page
One of the main centers of researches in Japanese literature. Important databases are in preparation... And now (June 1999), all the texts of Nihon Koten bungaku taikei of Iwanami-shoten (old edition) are available online!!- Historiographical Institute Home Page
with a huge online database of historical documents (in Japanese):
- Catalogue of the documents stored in the Institute;
- Full text database of historical documents;
- Index of Dainihon-siryoo
- etc.....
- "Index of /personal/"
This is the directory page of the home pages created by the working staff of the Historiographical Institut of University of Tokyo. Some of the pages are very rich: especially the home page of Prof. Hotate Michihisa is so informative and interesting..! We learn (June 1999) that the CD-ROM of the great collection of historical documents Heian Ibun compiled by Takeuchi Rizou, is now published! (In Japanese)- Duke University East Asian Collection. Japanese Studies Resources (June 20, 1999)
Very comprehensive bibliographical list for the studies of Japan old and modern, from the Duke University Library.- OKAJIMA_Akihiro
Many links to Japanese literature and linguistics web sites. See especially a very extensive list of Japanese literature in e-text.- Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture
On Japanese Religion and Culture. A complete list of the valuable publications of this Institute.- GENJIMONOGATARI WWW Home Page (June 20, 1999)
A huge database on the Genji monogatari by Mr. Itoo Tetsuya.- Ikeda Shoju's Home Page
Particularly rich on issues related to the Kanji code; old Japanese dictionaries; and many links to Japanese linguistics, literature, etc.- Link collection of History related web sites
An important link collection of web sites related to the historical studies. The author, Ugai-san, gathers only scholarly sites, excluding "amateur" sites. -- You will find there also a page of useful urls which contains so many urls interesting for daily life. (In Japanese)- Institute On the Thought of Miura Baien
Miura Baien is a Japanes philosopher of the 18th century. His philosophy is very difficult to interpret. This site attempts to understand his thought, using the newest computer technology. A model of the use of computer in humanity studies... (In Japanese)- Information sur le Japon. Maison Franco-Japonaise
A very comprehensive list of links to scholarly resource in Japan (especially Japanology). (In French)- Link collection of History Forum of NiftyServe
Many interesting links, mainly related to the Japanese History. (In Japanese)Return to the Table of Contents
- Books, Libraries, Bookstores
- Library of Congress. Books Cataloged Since 1975: Personal Author Browse
Bibliographic data of almost all books of the world published since 1970s. Very fast and very easy to use.- Research Libraries Group Home Page
"A union catalog of 82 million items held in comprehensive research libraries and special libraries in RLG member institutions, plus over 100 additional law, technical, and corporate libraries using RLIN. You can search via Eureka, RLIN, and Zephyr."- Welcome to Webcat
Catalogues of books and journals stored in Japanese university and research institution libraries. A huge resource...!- NACSIS-ELS
NACSIS Catalog of academic journals in Japan available online... (not very extensive in the humanity fields, but interesting...!) (In Japanese)- Japan OPAC list
Online catalog list of the Japanese university libraries.- Books In Print Japan
All Books in Print in Japan, with links to some important publishers.- Books! Earth's Biggest Bookstore.
All English books of the world...- Bienvenue sur !
Growing online book stores list in France.- Page sommaire de l'application A La Page
An on-line bookstore in France.- Wisdom Publications
Good bookstore specialized in Buddhist and oriental books. There is also an online catalog of the books published by the Pali text society. There is also a page University and Libraries (June 20, 1999) with a list of academic books.- Snow Lion Publications
A well known bookshop specialized in Buddhist and Tibetan books. There is also a very extensive link collection related to Tibet: Internet Tibet Resource .- DK Agencies. An online Indian Bookstore
With a good search engine, which "look for books by Title / Author/ Subject / Publisher /ISBN. Supports keywords and wildcard based searches."- Vedambooks com
An online Indian bookshop, with very good scholarly book catalogs.- Bagchee Associates. A Indian book shop
Another online Indian bookstore.- Bookshop listing (June 20, 1999)
List of online bookstores of Chinese and other books.- Chinese Bookshop "Boxue tang (June 20, 1999)
A good online bookstore at Hongkong.- Kinokuniya Internet Book Web
One of the biggest on-line bookstores in Japan. For Japanese and foreign books. (In Japanese)- TRC Library Service Co.,Ltd. (or its English Page)
A huge database of Japanese books, 670 thousand titles since 1980, with many other interesting services.- NICHIGAI/WEB Service
Nichigai is one of the biggest commercial databse companies in Japan. Some of the services are available on-line for registered users. (In Japanese)Return to the Table of Contents
- Software/Computer
- Free Software Foundation
The GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation.- Comprehensive TeX Archive Network Sites list
For example for the Devanagari font used in TeX processing...- Information on the use of TeX for human sciences (June 20, 1999)
Most interesting documents and links on the use of TeX for human sciences.- Acrobat Reader
Necessary for reading some web resources, e.g. Journal of Buddhist Ethics...- Apple's WorldScript Web Site Resources Page
Some links related (often outdated) to the multilingual technology of Mac OS.- Thai enabler for Mac OS
Thai enabler for Mac OS 7.x. "The Thai Enable 2.0 will let you type in Thai with most text related applications."- Unicode test and Unicode test 2 (June 20, 1999)
Unicode and XML will certainly be two most important computing/network technologies in the near future. These two sites, from "Titus" (see above, in the Indological list), provide most interesting information on the now coming Unicode encoding.- Challenge to Make a UTF-8 Home Page and He is Coming Back (June 20, 1999)
How to make UTF-8 HTML pages with Toolman editor, Outlook Express (for Windows) or Netscape Composer (for Windows and Mac). Very interesting experience. -- It seems that the easiest way, now, to make UTF-8 HTML pages, is to use the Mac shaware editor named "Style".- XML Cafe
While Unicode is already in use on Windows system especially, XML is now becoming a reality. This site provides most recent informations related to XML. (In Japanese)- Japanese XML users group Home Page (June 20, 1999)
News, information and links on XML (In Japanese).- The XML Magazine Index of Issues (June 20, 1999)
A complete list of the back issues of The XML Magazine.- XML, Java and the Future of the Web
is a Japanese translation of an important article by Mr. Jon Bosak (of Sun Microsystems), the main person in the development of XML. (In Japanese)- General index of XML related sites
An important resource index by PC Magazine online.- Free XML software (June 20, 1999)
"A collection of free XML software provided as a public service..."- HyBrick Home Page (June 20, 1999)
XML browser/viewer for Windows. The beta version is distributed freely.- Chinese XML Now Home Page (June 20, 1999)
"A project to help developers of Chinese XML Software.". This site contains most interesting experiences of use of XML for academic research purposes, in Big5, GB or UTF-8.- XML tree view of the Hannya Shin-gyoo (June 20, 1999)
Analysis of a famous Buddhist text using XML: result of an interesting experience.- Cocoon Project Home Page (June 20, 1999)
"Web content generation is mostly based on HTML, but HTML doesn't separate the information from its presentation [...]. Cocoons changes this view allowing content to be written in XML, style on XSL stylesheets [...] and logic another XSL stylesheet that converts the whole thing to the XSP namespace."- XMLRPC Home Page (June 20, 1999)
"What is XML-RPC?
It's a spec and a set of implementations that allow software running on disparate operating systems, running in different environments to make procedure calls over the Internet. It's remote procedure calling using HTTP as the transport and XML as the encoding....." -- It is a kind of CGI, which may be much more powerful. It is implemented by UserLand Frontier; and some very common applications, like Perl, support it.- Media Design in*Progress (June 20, 1999)
A Mac vender specialized in HTML and XML tools. You can find there especially a Mac XML editor named "Emile".- Windows utility programs made by Maedera-san
Many utilities of the greatest interest. Especially an editor called Toolman editor, which can handle many codes including Unicode AND Mojikyo numbers now! Moreover, there is now a detailed User's Manual in English and Japanese. "Must have" for any user of Mojikyo, and Unicode texts.- Text Encoding Converter OSAX (June 20, 1999)
Scripting Addition by Iimori-san, which allows to use the Text Encoding Converter of the Mac OS from AppleScript (and Frontier). Using this mervelous tool, we can convert from almost any text encoding to any text encoding, including Unicode (UTF-8, especially).- MgrepApp: i.e. Multibyte aware GREP (June 20, 1999)
Another mervelous tool offered by Iimori-san. It allows to search for a word in many megabytes of text files in some seconds. Moreover, it is fully scriptable, so that we can use it from within any scriptable word-processor or editor. (for the Mac OS)- Meadow/Mule for Windows (un)official Home page
"Meadow", i.e. "Multilingual enhancement to gnu Emacs with ADvantages Over Windows", is a Window32 port of Mule, or "MULtilingual enhancement to gnu Emacs". With BDF fonts for UNIX X Window System, it is now possible to do multilingual text editing on Windows. (In Japanese)
Here are some related sites:
- BDF Fonts and related informations (In Japanese)
- LEIM (Library of Emacs Input Method) (In Japanese)
- Le Concordeur Home Page
"Concorder is a Macintosh software package for the creation, editing, sorting and printing of concordances. The user controls the operating definition of a "word" through the choice of alphabet." -- Unfortunately, doesn't support the Double-byte linguage...- Zephyr
"A text and list editor for the Macintosh". A very original program for research purposes.- Palimpsest
"If you work with document based material, and need a system that is more than a word processor, Palimpsest, with its powerful suite of document management, hypertext, searching and reporting features could well enable you to work more effectively on screen...." This program, for the Macintosh, is WorldScript savvy: "Palimpsest is already in use all over the world, in languages such as English, Japanese, Chinese, French, and German."- UrbanPress 3.0
Urban Press 3.0 is one of the most powerful Japanese DTP programs on the Windows platform. Especially good for the Unicode handling.- Academic/Humanities Computing Resources
By Summer Institute of Linguistics, Inc. An important center for the computing in Humanities fields.- Conc
"A concordance generator for the Macintosh. -- Conc produces concordances of texts. A concordance consists of a list of the words in the text with a short section of the context that precedes and follows each word. Conc also produces an index, consisting of a list of the distinct words in the text, each with the number of times it occurs and a list of the places where it occurs. [...] As for performance, on a Mac IIci Conc can produce a concordance of Moby Dick (1,177KB) in about 13 minutes and requires about 2,500KB of memory." There is an Online manual for Conc. (Unfortunately, it seems that this software does not support the double-byte languages...[ This is not true. See below! ]).
- Making Electronic Concordances of Chinese Texts
Fabrizio Pregadio has found how to use Conc for double-byte language text. You can find here all the needed informations to make electronic concordance of Chinese texts using Conc. (I am intending to make a web page showing how to use Conc to make concordance of SJIS texts...)- Ken Lunde
By the author of the well known bookUnderstanding Japanese Information Processing. The latest informations about the computing in Chinese, Korean and Japanese. -- Understanding CJKV Information Processing (June 20, 1999), 2nd Edition, is now available (ISBN: 1565922247).- Yamada Language Center Font Archive
Many fonts of foreign languages -- and some fonts for fun, e.g. fonts of "Romulan" or of "Tolkien" [I couldn't have access to this site as of June 16 1988. Does anyone know what happened to this site...?? Thank you in advance for any information!]- UniDoc System Home Page
"UniDoc System, headquartered in New York, is a software company specializing in multilingual technology. At UniDoc System we are trying to establish a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures via modern information technology." -- You can find there some of the best multilingual programs on the Macintosh: e.g. UniText Editor, a CJK editor which can handle Unicode text as well; Pan-Asia Language Environment which is "a suite of Chinese Japanese Korean (CJK) fonts/scripts/extensions to enable any MacOS compatible computer with system 7.1 or above to read CJK text in any applications"; TrueKeys, a font converter program which can convert between Mac and Windows TrueType fonts of 2 byte languages, including Unicode fonts.- Voyager Japan Home Page
Homepage of the Japanese localized Expand Book. (In Japanese)-
"The ScriptWeb virtual Web site is a collaborative effort to provide a single source of information for Macintosh scripting, focussing on AppleScript and Frontier."- Frontier News & Updates
UserLand Frontier main home page. Frontier is a very powerful scripting environment and web management tool. It is now becoming a cross-platform program, for both Windows and Macintosh.- Script Meridian Homepage
A new Frontier community site.
- Library of Frontier scripts offered by its users (June 20, 1999)
Many scripts most useful are listed there.- Mathias MacPerl Homepage
MacPerl Home Page. This is the web site of the author of MacPerl (who ported Perl on the Macintosh platform)- The MacPerl Pages.
Where you will find informations about a "MacPerl CD-ROM", a vast collection of resources related to MacPerl, and a book on MacPerl.- MacJPerl
MacJPerl 5.2.0r4 J1 Home Page. Localized version of MacPerl for Japanese language.- Motoyuki Tanaka's Home Page
Where you will find some of the best XCMD, XFNC for HyperCard, andAppleScript scripting additions.- Nisus Software Inc. Home Page
Nisus Writer is one of the most powerful word-processing programs for the Macintosh. Its main features are: multilingual word-processing, powerful macros, document files in TEXT format, etc.- The Nisus Macro Repository
There is also a "Nisus Community" on the Internet. You will find here many useful macros for Nisus.- Pascal Write
Pascal Write is one of the best multilingual word processors on the Mac. Especially it can deal with the Indian languages and Tibetan, where Nisus Writer fails. (In Japanese)Return to the Table of Contents
- Others
- The Warburg Institute World Wide Web Site
The web site of the famous Institute where some of the best scholars of this century worked...- Information sur la France. Maison Franco-Japonaise
Very informative list of links related to France in general, and especially scholarly resources in France. (In Japanese)- Kazuo Ino's Home Page:
Studies on France -- society, culture and humanity studies -- through the Internet. Very comprehensive resource collection on France, and on the Internet also. (In Japanese)- University thesis database of the Tokyo University (url updated)
Database of all the university thesis since 1959, with a simple search engine. (In Japanese)- URL Collection Page "info@museum" (by Tsukahara Akira)
A very rich url collection, mainly of the museology, Japanese folklore studies, Japanese literature, Japanese history, etc. (In Japanese)- MapFanWeb: Web town map of Japan
Very useful when you want to find the location of some institution in Japan (In Japanese)- Internet Townpage
Useful also if you want to find the phone number and address of any institution in Japan. (In Japanese)
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This page was last built with Frontier on a Macintosh on Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 1:24:20. Thanks for checking it out! Nobumi Iyanaga