Part of Nobumi Iyanaga's website. 9/15/98.

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MacPerl glue table

Nobumi Iyanaga
v. 1.0b4
Tue, Sep 15, 1998

You can download MacPerl from:

If you deal with Japanese text, it is better to use MacJPerl, which can be downloaded from:

Download Macperl glue table here (80K to download).

Note on this version
I fixed some bugs and added a new table MacPerl.regexFunctions, containing

I also added a new documentation at MacPerl.["*Tips*"]. I hope this will be most useful.

Notes on the version 1.0b3:
I fixed some bugs and added some new features. The changes are noted in MacPer.["*changes*"], but here are the main ones:

Notes on the version 1.0b2:
I fixed some bugs and added some new features. The changes are noted in MacPer.["*changes*"], but here are the main ones:

  • I implemented the call to these sub-routines in the two main scripts in the table MacPerl.runScripts, i.e. MacPerl.runScripts.runScript () and MacPerl.runScripts.runEditorScript (). The sub-routine scripts will simply be appended to the Perl scripts generated by these scripts, so that you can make calls to the appended sub-routines in your Perl scripts. It is the last optional parameters in these two scripts, named "libUse = true". This is a list value, so that you can append more than one "lib scripts" to your Perl scripts.
    Here is an example:
    runEditorScript ("$a = \"abcde\"; $b = \\"12345"; \rprint &stringInsert\
                 ($a, 3, $b);\r\r", libUse:{"strings"})
    This returns "abc12345de".

  • In these same MacPerl.runScripts.runScript () and MacPerl.runScripts.runEditorScript (), I added a new optional boolean parameter "display = false". It works just as the same parameter in MacPerl.lib.runLibScript () (see above).
  • Added three utility scripts in the table MacPerl.utilities:

    This glue table for MacPerl was created with Frontier's CommercialDevelopers suite. There are however some tweaks that I made:

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    This page was last built with Frontier on a Macintosh on Tue, Sep 15, 1998 at 13:08:11. Thanks for checking it out! Nobumi Iyanaga