Picture of Tremolo Harmonica
Answers of Questionnaires ('99.08-11)

Last Update: 14 Feb. 2000

This is the summary of answers of the questionnaires from August to November of 1999. Thanks for 55 answers.

Q2. Have you ever been to some harmonica festival?
(domestic or international)

yes  8 11333334
no  45 1111111111112333333333333333333333333333

 index  1:chromatic
        6:other kind of harmonica
        7:not having harmonica

Q3. What kind of event do you want most to harmonica festivals?
(please select only one answer)

concert of professionals 19 1111111233333333334
concert of amateurs       4 1336
free stage                4 1333
contest                   1 1
lectures / workshops     12 111333333335
shop / trade fair         7 3333333
meeting                   1 3
other                     0 
nothing                   3 133

 index  1:chromatic
        6:other kind of harmonica
        7:not having harmonica

Q4. What kind of event do you want secondary most to harmonica festivals?
(please select only one answer)

concert of professionals  8 11333333
concert of amateurs       6 133333
free stage                4 1116
contest                   0
lectures / workshops     16 1111333333333345
shop / trade fair        10 1123333333
meeting                   4 3333
other                     0 
nothing                   1 1

 index  1:chromatic
        6:other kind of harmonica
        7:not having harmonica

SUMMARY of Q3. and Q4.

                         Q3  Q4  Sum  Weighted Sum
concert of professionals 19   8   27      46
concert of amateurs       4   6   10      14
free stage                4   4    8      12
contest                   1   0    1       2
lectures / workshops     12  16   28      40
shop / trade fair         7  10   17      24
meeting                   1   4    5       6
other                     0   0    0       0
nothing                   3   1    4       7

Weighted Sum...2 points for Q3, 1 point for Q4.

Masaaki Shigehara / PFD00763@nifty.ne.jp