World Motor Control Day
(Message from Mark Latash on September 9, 1996)

Dear friends and colleagues:

Happy World Motor Control Day!

Let all your degrees gave the right amount of freedom!

On this year, the year of Bernstein centenary, we would like to share with
you a very appealing suggestion made recently by Esther Thelen: Those of
us studying movement should be required to reread Bernstein (a paper or a
Chapter) at least once a year. This is going to be a disciplinary "day of
atonement" when we recall all the times during the past year when we
thought we had an original idea, only to be reminded of the encompassing
legacy of Bernstein's genius.
So, let us atone on the World Motor Control Day, recollect all our motor
control sins committed during the last year, all the bizarre theories,
poorly designed experiments, abhorrent statistics, and intolerance to
alternative views that we professed.

Let the spirit of Bernstein help us be discrete in all our movements during
the next year!

Sincerely and optimistically,

Mark Latash