On "Japanese stone arrowheads"

It is said that a bow and arrow was invented in the beginning stage of Jyomon period (Ca. 10000/8000 - 300/200.BC) in Japan. The first type of stone arrowheads has no handle (stone arrowheads without a handle type). Stone arrowheads with a handle were invented in the south part of Hokkaido or in the north part of Touhoku in the early stage of Jyomon period. This type (stone arrowheads with a handle type) gradually went south and became the main currents in the east part of Japan. But even in the last stage of Jypmon period, in the west part of Japan, stone arrowheads with a handle were not used. Only stone arrowheads without a handle were used as it was before.


The quality of the material : Obsidian.
2 pieces : Sold.


The quality of the material : Obsidian.
2 pieces : Sold.


The quality of the material : Obsidian.
2 pieces : Sold.


The quality of the material : left, Obsidian / right, Shale.
2 pieces : Sold.


The quality of the material : Obsidian.
2 pieces : Sold.


The quality of the material : Chert.
7 pieces : Sold.


The quality of the material : Chert.
6 pieces : Sold.


The quality of the material : Chert.
6 pieces : Sold.


The quality of the material : Chert.
4 pieces : Sold.


The quality of the material : Chert.
3 pieces : Sold.

Shuichi Yamashita
1696, Aoyagi
Ichihara-shi, Chiba
299-0102, JAPAN
E-mail : ge6128@i.bekkoame.ne.jp