
Cloth coin with a flat head and square legs : Xiang ping.
Warring states period (475-221.BC).
Casting era : The late years of this period.
Yan kingdom.
O : Chinese character inscription : Xiang ping.
From observer's point of view, right : Xiang (= high), left : ping (= flat). "Xiang ping" is name of the city where this coin was made.
A region of Yan kingdom - present Liao yang city of Liao ning province.
I think that this inscription "Xiang ping" means high and flat place. Center line and hemming line.
R : Chinese character inscription, from observer's point of view, left : Zuo (= left).
42.0mm x 26.5mm.

Shuichi Yamashita
1696, Aoyagi
Ichihara-shi, Chiba
299-0102, JAPAN
E-mail : ge6128@i.bekkoame.ne.jp