NO1 Transfer to the capital of Heiankyo

Kyoto in Japan is an ancient capital called" The Capital of Thousand years".
Kyoto was called Heiankyo and was flourished with an aristocratic culture centered with Fujiwara Family.
In the era of Emperor Kammu at the end of the 8th century,the capital was transferred from Nara to Kyoto.The most influential family on the transfer of the capital among the various court families is the Fujiwara Family.
   But,Kyoto hadn't been a suitable place to live in and "Yamashiro",its name those days,means a province "existing behind mountains".
   So,other power might have worked behind the scene for daring to build a new capital there. It is the power exerted by Hata Clan which had migrated and habited there since earlier times.
As a matter of fact,before transferring to Heiankyo,once had begun the construction of a new capital at Nagaoka,but Fujiwara Tanetugu,the supervisor of the construction, was assassinated,and then new capital(Heiankyo) was decided to be constructed on the land of Kyoto.
The mather of Fujiwara Tanetugu came from Hata Clan and the wife of the supervisor of the construction of Heiankyo also came from Hata Clan.
The place of Imperial palace around the central part of Heiankyo had been owned by Hata Clan.
This Hata Clan is full of enigma and had an engineering technology of extraordinarily high level compared with other migrated families,and laid a foundation of the new capital called Heiankyo in Kyoto. 
Hata Clan's homeground in Kyoto was called "Uzumasa".
Inquiring for the origin of the name of "Uzumasa"and searching for the root of Hata Clan, I met far western culture than the one of Korea or China from which most of foriegn culture is believed to have been transmitted to Japan in those days.

NO2 Trace the roots of Hata Clan

The argument that Hata Clan is Chinese immigrant and came to Japan via Paekche in Korea had been generally supported until some decades ago.
Actually,the fact that Hata Clan migrated from Paekche is recorded in the Nihonshoki,an ancient chronicles written in the 8th century, and Hata Clan themselves declared that they were descendants of the first Emperor of Qin dynasty.
However, judging from the political situations in those days, declaring themselves Chinese immigrant might enhance their status,and it might be rather benefecial to introduce themselves by saying that they came from Paekche to Japan,because Japanese court had a good relationship with Paeckche.
Recently, the excavation in the Uruchin county in Korea that used to belong to Sila shed the light on the place to be thought a fortress of Hata Clan.
As a result of the reseach, Hata Clan came not from Paeckche,different from what had been believed generally.
Buddhism sculptures in the Kouryuji temple founded by Hata Clan are not originated in Paekche but in Sila.
They had been called "Hatan" Clan in the Korean language.
By the way,Hatan Clan was "Sinkanjin" in Japanese. Shin of "Shinkanjin" dose not mean Qin dynasty of China but means "People out of fence".
They were the people who had been forced to be engaged in the construction of the Great Walls or Great Canals in China.
However,Hata Clan is never rooted in the Korean peninsula. The detailed observation of the things that Hata Clan had brought to Japan clarifies that it is true they came via Korean peninsula but their origin deeply conneceted with far western cultures.

NO3 Remains of Jew and Chrisitianity

  In Uzumasa, Hata Clan's homeground, there is Kouryuji Temple founded by Hata Clan,and Kouryuji Temple was originally called "Daishinji Temple".
Prof.Saeki Yoshirou,an authority of Nestrius, taking the notice of the name of "Daishinji Temple" ,insisted that in Uzumasa there had been the same sort of temple as Daishinji existed in Tang in China and that Kouryuji Temple was originally the church of Nestorians.  Further,Prof.Saeki interpreted the title of "Daishin"which was given to the head of Hata Clan as "a gift of light" in Hebrew.
His assertion is not accepted generally but a visit to Kijima Shrine founded by Hata Clan near Kouryuji Temple may strengthen the impression that Hata Clan is clearly different type immigrant from other ones.
An oddly shaped "Torii" can be seen at Kijima Shrine generally known as the name of "Kaikonoyasiro Shrine". Torii is the building showing an entrance of approach to a shrine.
Among scholars who tries to find the implication of the Tori,some insist that it implicates Trinity in Christian doctorines.Moreover, adjoining the Torii, there is small pond called "Mototadasunoike pond" that seems to be the place of baptism in Israel.
  The word" of Mototadasu" in Japanese means "repent one's sin".
By the way,adjoining the Kouryuji Temple there is Oosake (大酒)Shrine founded by Hata Sakekimi,and according to its memoir, the shrine was written "大辟" Shrine originally.
The characters of "大辟" is very similar to"大闢" meaning "David" in Nestrius Chrisitianity. Other Oosake Shrine written"大避"Shrine founded by Hata Clan exists in Sakoshi,Akashi City on the northeast coast of Inner Sea where Hata Clan came ashore at the time of their immigration to Japan.
The same shrines are dotted along the Chikumagaewa River in Akashi City.
Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem as a descendant of David on blood,and was called "Son of David".
A new capital invited by Hata Clan to Kyoto was called Heiankyou which means "Peace Capital",and is the same as the meaning of Jerusalem in Hebrew.
On top of that,there is a lake called Galilee of which size is almost the same as Lake Biwa near Heiankyou. Biwa is four stringed Japanese lute.
In ancient times,the Sea of Galilee in Israel was called "the Sea of Chinnereth",and "Chinnereth" means "Biwa".

NO4 Things which Hata Clan brought into Japan.

  The Eemperor at the time of Hata Clan's coming to Japan was Emperor Oujin,the 15th Emperor,and since around the era of Emperor Oujin the scale of tomb had remarkably gotten larger in Japan.
The tomb of Emperor Oujin is the biggest in the world along with the one of the 16th Emperor Nintoku. They are bigger than any pyramids of Egypt or the tomb of the First Emperor of Qin dynasty in China.
I think this is the fact that deserves to note more worldly.
Hata Clan held a distinguished engineering technology with which they reclaimed the land of Kadono,later Heiankyo,with the complicated land forms in those days.
If ancestors of Hata Clan had been engaged in the Great Wall or Great Canals in China,it was very reasonable that they held such a high engineering technology.
Moreover,Hata clan brought to Japan the skill of silkworm and the ancient masked-dance later called "Gagaku".
These skills are said to have been brought through the Silk Road,and so there is possibility that Hata Clan was the people coming through Silk Road and deeply connected with the trade of silk.
In addition, Nihonshoki,Japanese official history documents,refers to the immigration of Hata Clan that the lord of Yumizuki led people of 127 prefectures to Japan.The name of "Yumizuki" may be related with the Yumizuki state that thrived in the middle Asia in those days.
By the way,Yumizuki state was also called "Mikazuki" state and Christianity state thrived form the 3rd century to the 6th century,according to a certain famous history book written in the Song dynasty.
Around the Yumizuki state, some Jewish communities were dotted and Christian and Jews had monopolized the trade of silk in those days.
Hata Clan may be deeply related such Jewish communities.
Next, I will make remarks on why jewish communities had been formed around the Silk Road.
NO5 Lost 10 tribes in Israel

According to the genealogy of the Old Testament,the blood of ancient Israel runs as follows. Abraham,Isaac,Jacob,and the children of Jacob formed 12 tribes.
the Hebrew Kingdom consisted of the 12 tribes was divided into two Kingdoms after King Solomon's death: One is the Northern Kingdom of Israel consisted of 10 tribes and the other is the Southern Kingdom of Judah consisted of 2 tribes.
  In the 8th century B.C,the Northern Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the army of Assyrian Empire, and the 10 tribes of Israel were led captive and compelled to march to the land of Assyria.
However, the Assyrian Empire was collapsed by newly emerging Empire,New Babylonija,and the 10 tribes did not come back to the land of Israe and disappeared over the history.
They are so called "Lost Ten Tribes of Israel."
There is a Jew named Josephus Flavius,a very reliable historian who lived in the first century. In his book of history, he wrote that in the first century, the Ten Tribes of Israel lived as an immense multitude over Euphrates River. This may mean that some of of them lived in the close area east of Euphrates River and others moved to a place far over the east of the Euphrates.
We can today trace some footsteps of the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel.
For example, Yusufzai which lives in Afghanistan. Yusufzai means children of Joseph. They have customs of ancient Israelites.
Chiang-Min tribe which lives in China also have customs of them.
They believe in only God and have an oral tradition that they came from far west.
They say that their ancestor had 12 sons. They have customs of Passover, purification, levirate marriage, etc. as ancient Israelites.
Among the flows of people's movements,"Lost Ten Tribes" is not only thing to notice.
The activities of primitive Christianity Association also should be noticed.
Especially,the Christianity expanded eastward thanks to the missionary works of Tomas and Bartromeu,and Eastern Christianity Church different from the Christianity expanded west to the Roman Empire was formed.
The Eastern Christianity Church reserved much Jewish features.
It was further propagated to China and called "Keikyou".

The main purpose of its missionary works was propagation to aliens but the teachings was also transmitted to the Jewish comminuties formed by the dispersed Lost 10 Tribes mentioned above.
In the communities, quite a few people converted their faith from Jew to Christianity.
On the basis of such Jewish communities was established the Yumizuki state that was likely to be related with Hata Clan.

NO6 Crown Prince Umayado

Extending the Silk Road eastwords, there is Japan.
It is generally said that the Chiristianity is introduced by Fraicis Xavier,a member of Jesuits in 1549.
However,the influence of Chrisitianity and jewish customs had already been identified far before the time of Xaviel's coming.

Hata Clan which had immigrated in multitude in the era of Emperpor Oujin had been scattered since their immigration,but they were gathered and led under Hata Kawakatu,the head of the clan.
Hata Kawakatu founded Kouryuji Temple at Uzumasa,Kyoto in 603 and became the most influential brain of Crown Prince Shoutoku.the regent of Emperess Suiko.
Crown Prince Shoutoku has another name:Umayado that means "a prince born in a stable". The situation of the birth of Shoutoku remind us of the one of Jesus Christ.
Crown Prince Soutoku is a founder of the Houryuji Temple which is the oldest wooden building in the world and it was designated as a "Heritage of the World".
He is generally thought to be a founder of the Buddhism in Japan but checking his achievements in details, one can find unexpectedly in him a valid influence of Chrisitianity.
Crown Prince Shoutoku established Shitennouji Temple in Osaka.
The four welfare facilities called Sikain attached to the temple.
They were Keidenin(for religion,music),Seyakuin(free pharmacy,)Ryoubouin(free hospital),Hidenin(orphan).
The welfare activities begun by Crown Prince Shoutoku was to be succeeded by Empress Koumyou,a wife of Emperor Shoumu.
These activities were not carried out among the Buddhists and done only among Christians living along the Silk Road.
After the death of Crown Prince Shoutoku,his wife deplored his death and had her servants embroidered "Tenjyukokusuutyou",and the composition of the embroidery is the same as the Heaven in Christianity,and clearly different from the composition of the Buddhism.
The person who created "Tenjyukokusyutyou" was Hata Kuma.
The image of the Crown Prince Sjoutoku was established as a founder of Buddhism and has been preserved in the later generations but the influence of Christianity could not be erased in him.

E-mail to Yoshimura Naohiro.